Dear Friends,

40 years of expedition guiding and exploring the Himalayas have made it my second home. It is a place that continues to inspire my dreams and my work – and I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of establishing close relationships with many local adventure professionals across the region. As a unique group of people whose livelihood intimately connects us to the mountains and rivers, we experience first-hand every season the tremendous impact that unchecked development is having in the Himalayas.

Against this backdrop, I am always asking “what can we do to make a difference?”

The birth of the Himalayan Outdoor Education Centers (HOECs) is the answer to that question.

The HOEC initiative engages professional Himalayan outdoor professionals to leverage what we know how to do best….adventures…in partnership with local educators and schools to not only engage, but to inspire the people who will someday be most responsible for protecting and championing Mother Nature – local Himalayan youth.

Although thousands of tourists come every year to trek, climb, raft, or kayak in the Himalayas – local communities lack the access, resources and guidance to participate in these activities. Consequently, generation after generation of locals grow up in the shadow of mountains or next to wild rivers without ever having the opportunity to experience them with the wonder and joy that visitors do…and with little opportunity to understand the importance of protecting the mountains and rivers they call home.

But today, with the birth of the HOECs, we are creating groundbreaking partnerships between local adventure professionals and local schools to offer Himalayan high school students never-before possible opportunities for outdoor education – opportunities outside of the classroom to have fun, meaningful, potentially transformative learning experiences in Mother Nature. HOECs aim to encourage personal achievement beyond academics, foster confidence and leadership, instill a deep respect for nature – and most importantly, plant the seeds for environmental stewardship. 

Our three-year pilot- the first of its kind – begins in the fall of 2025, with HOECs launching in India and Nepal. The HOEC is scheduled for expansion into the Kingdom of Bhutan in 2026.  Each HOEC location is selected according to three criteria: its proximity to rivers and mountains, the commitment of a high-quality professional outdoor guiding company, and the commitment and interest of local secondary schools.  These conditions allow for each HOEC to build a native community ecosystem that brings together local experts to support outdoor education, whether in-school or after-school.

Our mission is to ignite transformative change, bridge the gap, and unlock the unimagined potential of Himalayan youth.

I invite you to please join our journey, support the growth of the HOEC initiative –  and help us imagine the world as it should be. 

Excited to share more soon.

Best wishes,

Gerry Moffatt
Executive Director HOEC